Nearly everyone in the state of Georgia who’s eligible to vote is registered, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.

With 95% of eligible voters registered, Georgia boasts one of the highest registration rates in the country.

As stated in the U.S. Election Assistance Commission's biennial report that was published on Monday, in last November’s election there were 7.2 million registered voters in Georgia, leaving 387,000 unregistered residents who were of voting age.

Georgia’s exponential increase in registered voters is being largely attributed to a 2016 initiative that allowed residents who obtained a driver’s license to automatically become registered voters. 

Over 5 million voters in the state cast ballots in the 2020 presidential election, which was 66% of the state’s citizen voting-age population versus the national average of 68%.

As Blavity previously reported,
Stacey Abrams was also a major influence in voting rights in the state, calling out voter suppression and creating a site for residents of the state to check if they had been purged from voting rolls.

Abrams, along with her group Fair Fight Action, also established which allows voters to verify if they are a part of the 100,000 voters whose registration will be canceled because they haven’t voted in several years or have moved to another address.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Abrams spoke about her commitment to ensuring the right to vote in Georgia.

“My push is that we should have expansion of the right to vote for every community that faces barriers, including the disabled, those who are returning citizens (released from prison), the poor, young people,” she argued. “Unfortunately, the targets tend to be those very same communities."

As Georgia’s voter turnout increased, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff became the first Democrats Georgia voters elected to the Senate since 2000 in special elections in 2021.

Because of the massive turnout of Georgia voters, President Joe Biden became the first Democratic presidential candidate to win the state since 1992.