Victoria Waldrip, also known as "Woah Vicky" is a popular and controversial teen instagrammer best known for claiming to be black, while she seemingly mocks black culture. Waldrip's social media video history includes her saying the n-word, creating makeup tutorials for black women, posing with guns, selling weaves and donning du-rags. According to the New York Post, she was recently arrested for assaulting a cop.
The arrest came after Waldrip allegedly kicked a police officer at the Four Seasons Town Centre Mall in Greensboro, North Carolina; the incident prompted false reports of an active shooter.
Mall security and police say they gave Waldrip “multiple opportunities to leave," and that she was taken into custody when she refused. The Greensboro Police Department confirmed Waldrip was charged with trespassing, assault on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest.
Despite labeling herself as "black" and "transracial" on social media, Waldrip is blond, fair-skinned and was listed as "white" on the police report.
Waldrip posted the arrest via her Instagram page.
She followed up with posting her mugshot with the caption "#freevicky." Following her release, Waldrip posted a video returning home and continued to scream, "Black lives matter!" over and over. She also claims that during her time in captivity, officers were racist towards her.