Chicago’s having a hell-of-a-year artistically and athletically. Musically, the year’s been dominated by Chance The Rapper, Jamila Woods, Noname, Closed Sessions and Kanye West. On the sports front, the Cubbies are in the show with a shot at nixing a century-old curse with a World Series victory. At the same time, the city suffers under a punishing stream of gun violence and death. Just this past Halloween weekend, 17 people were fatally shot and 42 were wounded.
If you don’t know, oddCouple is a producer out of the Chi. He’s on the Closed Session imprint along with Kweku Collins and Jamila Woods. His album Liberation is coming around the bend on 11/11. His beats can most aptly be described as atmospheric gospel with a hint of funk. This track is a dope example, focusing both vocal contributions with precision. This’ll be one of the best tracks you hear all day.
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