The iconic game show Hollywood Squares is making a highly anticipated return to television, complete with a fresh twist and a star-studded lineup. Produced by Drew Barrymore‘s Flower Films and Jesse Collins Entertainment, the reboot is set to premiere on CBS on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 8 p.m. ET.

Barrymore will occupy the coveted middle square, while Nate Burleson—co-host of CBS Mornings and former NFL player—brings his charismatic personality and signature style to the beloved game show.

“If you stack up this against some of the other game shows, you don’t have this type of interaction with other celebrities. You may have a few chiming in, but you don’t have this constant back and forth,” Burleson told Blavity’s Shadow & Act in a recent interview.

A dream job for Nate Burleson

Burleson highlighted the chemistry and playful banter audiences can expect between the celebrity guests this season.
“For 30 to 45 minutes, people give you their best work. That is why this is my dream job. People will feel that when they watch it at home. It’s a big party and you’re invited to it,” he said.

The new Hollywood Squares boasts an impressive celebrity lineup, featuring Tyra Banks, Ms. Pat, Jay Leno, RuPaul, Tichina Arnold, Tiffany Haddish, and many more.

“We know we asked for shenanigans at its finest,” Collins joked, taking full responsibility for the hilarious chaos the “intentionally picked” guests are guaranteed to deliver.

He added, “Where else could you get Ms. Pat, Tiffany Haddish, and Triumph the Dog on the same show with Whitney Cummings?”

Behind the scenes: Jesse Collins’ vision

Collins’ resume as a producer spans from the 2024 BET Awards and the 76th Primetime Emmys to Netflix’s Rhythm + Flow and Beyoncé’s 2024 NFL Christmas Day halftime show.

Thanks to the combined networks of Collins and Barrymore, they secured an eclectic and diverse group of celebrity guests, each bringing their own energy to the show.

“We just wanted to create an environment where you could come have fun for the day,” Collins said. He later added, “It’s almost like Nate is hosting a house party, but at Drew’s house.”

Staying true to the classic format

The reboot of Hollywood Squares keeps the classic format that has made it a household favorite since 1966. The show features two contestants playing tic-tac-toe to win cash and prizes.

Burleson knows his main job is to “hand out trips and give out money,” but he’s aware that working with such big personalities might occasionally throw him off course.

“I can make fun of them, and trust me, they light me up as well. But it’s all in good fun, and as long as I brought it back on track, it was good,” he said, recalling the friendly jokes and playful back-and-forths he shared with rambunctious guests and contestants.

Hollywood Squares’ joins CBS Game Night

After its special premiere dates, Hollywood Squares will officially become part of CBS’s “Game Night” lineup. The show will air on Wednesday nights, alongside other game shows, bringing a touch of nostalgia back to television.

“With the introduction of streaming channels and everyone being on their phones and tablets, you don’t have that appointment television like we used to, where you would be hanging out with your friends or family. This brings that back,” Burleson said.

He continued, “Everybody who was involved in the show is involved in the nostalgia of what game shows meant to us as a country, and it’s perfect timing because now, more than ever, we need things that we have some commonality, things that can bring us together.”

Hollywood Squares will premiere on CBS on Thursday, Jan. 16, and Thursday, Jan. 23, before moving to its regular Wednesday 10 p.m. slot on Jan. 29 as part of CBS Game Night.