Fred Kerley, an Olympian track-and-field athlete, is facing domestic violence charges against his estranged wife. The news comes after he was released from Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center in Miami on Saturday night after posting bond.
On Thursday, Kerley was detained for battery on a police officer and resisting arrest. The domestic violence charges filed by his estranged wife Angelica Kerley is what prompted his incarceration until Saturday, according to CBS News. Kerley is being charged with domestic battery with strangulation and strong-arm robbery, which Angelica said occurred last May.
“When I was watching him go to the Olympics, knocking what he’s done — it’s just like nobody knows who he is,” she said in an interview with CBS News.
Angelica shared details of the incident and said it happened in front of family members and children.
“All I remember [is] trying to get up and he tries to grab my phone again, so I scoot it under me and he’s standing over me at this point behind me and he takes his arm and he wraps it around my neck and he proceeds to choke me so hard that I can’t gasp for air,” she said. “And I’m not going to lie, at some point, I thought that he was going to kill me.”
“And, he took his arm again in front of my daughter, who was at the time [8 years old], and she saw him do this and tried to choke me again,” Angelica added. “I picked up a toy to him to get him off me and my daughter is literally scratching at his eyes to get him off of me.”
She said she asked Kerley for a divorce multiple times but he refused. Seeing footage of the incident involving her husband and police is what prompted her to press domestic violence charges.
“Seeing the video of this recent incident and how like he was aggressive, it kind of made me think like he didn’t feel any remorse for what he did to me,” Angelica said. “I know I have to think about my children but he didn’t think about his children in that situation.”
Kerley’s attorneys denied Angelica’s allegations in a statement to the press.
“The allegations are made by a highly motivated and angry woman,” they told CBS News Miami on Saturday. “The idea that Mr. Kerley won’t ‘grant’ her a divorce is just as ridiculous as the allegations against Fred.”