The 2003 sitcom All of Us, created by Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith, has a surprising connection to Lifetime television film The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel.
Sheléa, who played Dorinda Clark-Cole and is credited as Sheléa Frazier in the film, sang the theme song to All of Us, something she wrote about on Instagram.
“I keep getting tagged on @theshaderoom,” she wrote, referencing a video posted by the outlet. “Yep, that was me singing the theme song! 17 years later, I’ll still get a random residual check!”
She also took the moment to give love to the Smiths, writing, “When I met them both and their stunningly beautiful children (who were about 5 and 2 at the time) at their home–they were the most loving and genuine humans. So kind,” she wrote. She finished her post calling for the arrests of the police officers who killed Breonna Taylor in Louisville, KY.
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Photo: Getty/UPN