After a viral attack on civil rights leader and Representative, John Lewis (D-GA), President-elect Donald Trump skipped his planned visit to the Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture in Washington. Instead, on Monday, he met with Martin Luther King III, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's son at Trump Tower. Outside of the Tower, Mr. King told reporters the meeting was "constructive."

In their private meeting, the two discussed the voting system, which both argued is broken. Mr. King urged Trump to recognize the importance of voter reform. According to the New York Times"Mr. King has pressed for the creation of a free photographic government identification card to make it easier for Americans who do not have driver’s licenses, including many black voters, to cast ballots, and he indicated on Monday that Mr. Trump had taken an interest in the plan." Mr. King recently shared a detailed view about how Trump can fix the voter system for The Washington Post.

The meeting comes at a time where high-profile black figures like Steve Harvey and Kanye West have been under fire for entering the Trump Tower. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) was also criticized for planning to attend Inauguration Day after many civil rights and political leaders have chosen to sit out as a protest against Trump's divisive politics and racist cabinet picks. 

On our role as citizens under Trump's administration, Mr. King, who is also an activist, told the American people "[Trump] said that he is going to represent all Americans. He said that over and over again. I believe that’s his intent, but I think we also have to consistently engage with pressure, public pressure. It doesn’t happen automatically." 

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