In 1995, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence introduced us to two of the most iconic comedic characters in their hit film, Bad Boys. In the movie, Smith plays the ladies’ man, Detective Mike Lowrey, and Lawrence plays the rule-abiding Detective Marcus Burnett. The characters were a hit with fans and influenced pop culture way beyond the film. However, fans may not know that the fictional characters may be closer to reality than they know.
In an episode of the All the Smoke podcast, Smith revealed that embodying the detectives’ personalities wasn’t too far-fetched for the two. Smith told a story about how he convinced Lawrence to hang out with him after a day of filming.
Smith said he and Lawrence visited Glam Slam. The club was the most popular club in Miami Beach in the ’90s, and legendary musician Prince owned it.
However, the 54-year-old actor stated it didn’t take much time to see Lawrence wasn’t enjoying himself.
He recalled that his fellow comedian seemed uninterested in his surroundings as he sat in the club with tightly folded arms.
Smith began to laugh on his trip down memory lane.
According to Atlanta Black Star, Lawerence was newly married to his first wife, Patricia Southlake, at the time.
At the time, Smith was on the prowl.
At the time, Smith was on the prowl, as he and Sheree Zampino had recently filed for divorce after three years of marriage.
The Academy Award winner then shared more details about the hilarious night.
He explained, “So the girl walks up and stands in front of Martin. She’s standing there, and she’s dancing in front of Martin. She lifts her skirt up, and she has nothing on under it, and she’s asking Martin if he wants to have sex in the club.”
Smith stood up to demonstrate the awkward moment.
Smith said he took notice of the awkward exchange as soon as Lawrence exploded.
“He’s like, ‘This why I don’t f**king go nowhere with you!’”
Podcast hosts Stephen Jackson and Matt Barnes burst into laughter as he ended the story with “Martin and I have never been out again. Never been out again.”