We continue to get closer and closer to end of President Obama’s reign. It’s been a great two terms, and the battle is underway for who will be the next leader of the free world. If Obama leaving the White House doesn’t have you in your feelings, just watch a presidential candidate debate or take a look at these pictures that will make you dread him leaving. While many of us are already suffering from post-Obama depression, we can’t help but wonder whats next for the soon to be former POTUS.

Thankfully, we already know where he will be living after he leaves the White House, but we haven’t heard anything about what his next power moves may be, until now.  White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest provided insight on whats next. Of course, President Obama will get some much needed rest after his presidency ends, but he has also discussed becoming a part of an NBA franchise ownership group, under the right circumstances.

Photo: Giphy
Photo: Giphy

This isn’t the first time President Obama has discussed being an owner though. In an interview with GQ magazine, he talked about building an NBA team, saying, “I have fantasized about being able to put together a team and how much fun that would be. I think it’d be terrific.”

The President is a huge fan of the game and of the Chicago Bulls.  The Bulls might get lucky and gain Obama as an owner, but since he’s slated to stay in DC for a few more years I vote that he becomes an owner in the Wizards franchise and helps us recruit Kevin Durant.

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