While the recent childish antics between Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna have simmered down, the subject of consent especially in relationships remains a difficult concept to so many. In order to gain a better understanding of recognizing the agency of others, we're going to play pretend where I'm the owner of a bakery called LemonCakes.
Run with me on this…
"Women who strip or broadcast their bodies to the world aren't victims. If people have seen them naked before, what's the difference if someone leaks their nudes?"
Since I love what I do, I created "Free Cupcake Fridays" where patrons get a free cupcake if they follow LemonCakes on social-media and buy a drink of their choice. Local news stations covered my event and there are "Free Cupcake Fridays" photos online showing me handing out free treats. One Wednesday some guy comes in and takes a cupcake from behind the counter and walks out. When confronted he says,"Well, you give out free cupcakes all the time."
The difference between a woman VOLUNTARILY showcasing her anatomy and a man taking it upon himself to expose her nudes is the ability to control the narrative on how she's represented. Everything is on HER terms from when and how her person is displayed to compensation. Using someone else's naked photos for personal gain takes away that power.
"How did you expect a guy to respond after being used and antagonized like how Blac Chyna did Rob?"
Like most beings on Earth, I have an enemy or two, which is no surprise as a successful baker. I even took some subliminal shots at folks I was once cool with who didn't really see it for LemonCakes. When I opened the bakery a few months back I noticed graffiti on my building with the signature of someone I threw shade at. I called the cops and they were charged with vandalism.
Let's be real, no one likes to get played and anger as a result of being the fool is a natural reaction. However, every action has consequences mainly in the form of lawful punishment. Rob's contempt for Chyna wasn't grounds to defame her character and engage in revenge-porn (which is illegal in 38 states).
Photo: Giphy
"(Insert woman who is sexually expressive)'s nothing but a h*e anyway."
Umm… Last time I checked I'm not out here saving lives or fighting fires, I just bake and sell delicious treats to the community. While my job-title might not be highly regarded in certain circles, it got me to the point where I can truly thrive. Despite said title, I'm still a human worthy of respect.
When it comes to women who embrace their sexiness and sex-workers as a whole, others with a false sense of self-righteousness dismiss the humanity of these individuals who like most of us (and our favorite former drug dealing rappers) are simply trying to get their hustle on to get by. A woman's negative behavior can be discussed without using their sexual past to reduce them to nothing.
Photo: Giphy
At its core, the leaking of another's nudes is a low-down dirty, shameful act. It's a breach of a once established trust that will never work in the woman's favor (unless your mom is Kris Jenner) and men like Rob Kardashian know the cost women and girls pay for being violated and exposed to the masses. See: His big sis Kim K. Hopefully what spawns from this foolery are more discussions on consent and a greater motivation to be better individuals and parents. Our thoughts are with you baby Dream.