Vice has released an extended promo for Broadly, its new women-focused channel that is set to debut on August 3, which will cover topics that run the gamut – politics, culture, lifestyle, sex, fashion, and much more, all from the perspective of women around the world.
It will be a global endeavor, like its parent company, broadcasting in-depth documentaries about various subjects – especially those that may not be as well covered by mainstream news sources. Vice has made a point of being a place for men looking for “untraditional” stories and news coverage, so this is an attempt at trying to appeal to women also seeking "untraditional" stories. And from the looks of the promo, featuring all woman correspondents (as you’d fully expect), Broadly will be tackling news with the same unfiltered approach that has give its parent – Vice – the uncompromising reputation it has today. I’m certainly a subscriber, and have shared some of their content on this blog in the past.
And also based on the promo below, I’m glad to see that Broadly’s reporters and the stories they cover will be diverse, spanning the globe; subjects teased include an all-female village in Kenya, Spain’s sex supermarket, the New Orleans-based all-black woman biker club known as the Caramel Curves, the last lesbian bars, and a phallus festival taking place during a national ban on "vagina art" in Japan, and more.
Broadly’s description on YouTube reads, "For women who know their place. Sex, politics, culture, witchcraft. Women’s news you thought would exist by now."
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Extended promo below