What if Jordan Peele’s upcoming horror film Us was actually The Disney Channel’s The Proud Family Movie?

That’s what Yeek Studios has put forth in a video that showcases The Proud Family Movie edited to look like the Us trailer. The similarities between the two films are apparent to diehard fans of the series; in the movie, Penny Proud (Kyla Pratt) and her family go on vacation, only to discover peanut-generated clones of themselves created by George Washington Carver’s great-grandson, Dr. Marcus Garvey Carver II (Arsenio Hall). Carver II helps the Proud family stop the clones (including his own evil clone) by turning them into peanut butter. Oh, and there are also peanut people Carver has created to help assist him in his island lab.

All of this sounds wild, but think about it: both films have families that are on beach vacation, both families meet evil clones of themselves, and everyone has to fight their doppleganger in order to survive. Sounds pretty close.

Twitter users @indizzleedadon and @umcornell tweeted out the video, which went viral. Many of the responses featured memes of shocked faces and excitement at the possibility of imagining what Peele’s version of the peanut people could be.

Jordan Peele himself has responded to the video on Twitter exactly how we thought he would: with jubilation.

Of course, Peele didn’t truly steal the film’s plot for his own. It’s not as if the idea of doppelgangers is exactly original in Hollywood; there are tons of films about doppelgangers (Invasion of the Body Snatchers being one of the most popular). But it’s cool how two elements of Black pop culture have overlapped to create a fun moment in time for both Jordan Peele and The Proud Family fans. In any case, the fervor around both the real Us trailer and The Proud Family version show just how excited fans are to see how Peele will make the doppelganger concept his own.


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