On Thursday, social media suffered a slight blow as Twitter announced that its video-sharing app, Vine, would be discontinued. In a statement on Medium, the platform shared the following message: “Nothing is happening to the apps, website or your Vines today. We value you, your Vines, and are going to do this the right way. You’ll be able to access and download your Vines. We’ll be keeping the website online because we think it’s important to still be able to watch all the incredible Vines that have been made. You will be notified before we make any changes to the app or website.” 

As an app that has launched the careers of many while creating one-liners that will forever live in infamy, Vine truly left an indelible mark on our feeds and in our hearts. To celebrate the life and times of our fallen video-sharing service, we compiled a few of our favorites to evoke laughs, tears and all of the feels.

In Memoriam: Vine

Photo: Giphy

January 2013 – October 2016

1. When you have bars on bars

2. When that direct deposit hits

3. When you’re unapologetic AF

4. Thigh game skrong

5. OG alert

6. When life comes at you fast

7. When someone screenshots your snaps

8. When folks assume you have “try me” written across your forehead

9. Goals…kinda…maybe

10. When you have the range


11. The face that launched a thousand memes

12. #BobbyAlwaysOnBeat

13. It feels good to be nutritious

14. When you’re raised to slay

15. Always invited to the cookout

16. The underrated originator!

17. When there are just no words

18. When you shoot your shot sonically

19. When you can’t tell your auntie nothing

20. When an ill beat is internationally known and culturally respected

21. ToddELDERS

22. What friendship is all about

23. Never not a mood

24. Carefree black boys

25. #JeSuisShugAvery

26. When you have to put folks in their respected lane


27. The personification of the term “YAS”

28. Carefree black boys, part deux

29. Too much sauce

30. Lactose-free

RIP to the homie.

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