The British Urban Film Festival has announced that its 2015 opening night film (also making its UK premiere) will be Paradox Smoke Productions’ new documentary on Rain Pryor – daughter of the late, great Richard Pryor, and an acclaimed director, producer, actor, stand-up comedian, educator, activist, speaker, and mother.
Titled "That Daughter’s Crazy," likely named after the father’s Grammy award-winning 1974 comedy album "That Nigger’s Crazy," the documentary is directed by Elzbieta Szoka, and produced by Sam Adelman and Daryl Sledge.
"That Daughter’s Crazy" is described as follows: Carrying on a career as an actor/singer/comedian, beyond the shadow of her legendary father, Rain Pryor is an original, bold, and energetic voice, who brings us influences of her upbringing with a deep love and respect for her father. Her quest for individuality is exemplified in her award-winning one-woman show, Fried Chicken and Latkes, which dramatizes growing up in Beverly Hills in a bi-racial, half Jewish/half black household. The film features footage, photos, press clippings of Rain’s life and career, as well as various interviews. A social commentary, the film explores themes of diversity, relationships between parents and children and a profound perspective of one entertainer’s journey.
Watch a trailer for the feature documentary below, which also includes an intro and postscript from Raid Pryor.
The 10th British Urban Film Festival kicks off on September 18th.