Ever heard of a hair tattoo?

Cosmopolitan’s now defunct link about “Secret Undercut Tattoos Are So Cool Even Your Parents Won’t Hate Them” explained the new trend.
But of course, we did see your page. #screenshot

They didn’t take all the credit though, claiming Allure discovered the trend.
“When singer Madison Beer posted a “gooood morning” photo to Instagram last week, all anyone could talk about was her hair. It looks like a simple top knot at first, but if you look closely, you can see the back of her head is shaved into a cool pattern.
And she’s not the only one rocking this hair trend. It’s called a Hair Tattoo, reports Allure.com, and it’s blowing up on Instagram. One girl showed exactly what it looks like both down and pulled up. The “tattoo” is totally hidden and then — surprise!”
Hello, Madison Beer. Singer with a design at the nape of her neck.
Hello, singers with “cool patterns” on their heads.

Now available at any barbershop, by request only.

To help Cosmo better prepare for future headlines, Twitter saved the day with a long list of #cosmoheadlines to keep in handy for a cultural appropriation shortage.
1. Baby hair exuberance.
“@ILLCapitano94: New style of winter 2016 ladiessss! “Fetus Follicles” aka “hinges” #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/ftIka70SiG”
— Kaiyul (@Capt_Smirk) February 11, 2016
2. Don’t forget the sugar!
Artisanal Cherry Granitas: The new treat to keep your summer parties on fleek! #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/UOHQO1Ee65
— Lauren Warren (@iamlaurenp) February 11, 2016
3. Ox for dinner? Who knew?
You’ll never believe what this savory “Oxen Slow Cooker” dish is made from! #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/q86pURZpAt
— Noirtemus (@ayrryk) February 11, 2016
4. Meryl said it best.
We invented beads and braids. We’re all from Africa! #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/3oyWLrq7uR
— Tiffany Flowers (@MsFlowersTweets) February 11, 2016
5. Amber waves of grain.
“An homage to the sprawling Midwest agricultural landscape in this new incredible hair trend” #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/WRkhuucNAo
— Luke Cripwalker (@sporker_) February 11, 2016
6. Here comes the brand new flava in ya ear.
Just In! Your favorite celebs rocking noise making hair accessories #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/u56q4tNufn
— Cassi Renee (@cassirenee_) February 11, 2016
7. “White Privilege II”
rhyme music is the newest trend, rhymes over underlying music…meet a pioneer, Macklemore #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/nt33yF6UxH
— Sheriff Bart (@Braunginn) February 11, 2016
8. Spice up your life!
Seasoning. This year’s new way to add flavor to food #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/sDy5ervb6f
— Josh (@JoshSeaYouAreD) February 11, 2016
9. But ya’ll..
Check out this BRAND NEW style, “hair ropes”! Completely new! Never been worn before. Ever. #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/a88ySUuuoe
— Petty Mae Page (@tyelerdurden) February 11, 2016
10. Sunday dinner, made easy.
Soulful side dishes to bring family together. Warm collard salad & cheesy noodle casserole! #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/SXRnUf2MF9
— Blocka Flocka Flame (@GregariousAli) February 11, 2016
11. Calorie blaster.
Rhythmic Jumping: The New Workout You Didn’t Know You Needed In Your Life!#CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/AkyCyJhpa0
— Lauren Warren (@iamlaurenp) February 11, 2016
12. Somewhere in America, this is a real headline.
#CosmoHeadlines flat irons just not doing it? Try the latest from Paris, known as the ” thermal styling comb! pic.twitter.com/Ph4tTYhgHW
— Kayla (@KAYbeginskiss) February 11, 2016
13. Who did this?
Bamboo: Not just great for hardwood floors. See the new earring trend, so hot, you may need 2 pairs! #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/zQT82enU86
— Haze (@GodSon83) February 11, 2016
14. Mother land couture.
Forever 21 is telling everybody to get in formation for these new bold tees with intricate patterns #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/UT5LhOyWN0
— Ellen De-Nobitch (@FunfettiPanckes) February 11, 2016
15. Sweet and salty delight!
Sweet and sour snacks is great way to start your party! Try kool-aid pickles #cosmoheadlines pic.twitter.com/CDcV0DQtlI
— shansharee (@shansharee) February 11, 2016
16. The next best beauty secret, kept under wraps.
Silky dior hat that supposedly keeps your hair “under wraps” at night! Sleep like an Egyptian mummy! #CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/5FoCdI5pIj
— kailah (@deppsharry) February 11, 2016
17. *logs out*
New protective hairstyle that resembles criss cross threading that is taking the world by storm. 😱😱
#CosmoHeadlines pic.twitter.com/1EVdJXgUgD— kailah (@deppsharry) February 11, 2016