In the wake of a series of brutal natural disasters, celebrities have been using their platforms to raise money and gather goods to give to the people affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria and the deadly earthquakes in Mexico.
Aid has moved the U.S. landholdings on the mainland, but the U.S. Virgin Island and Puerto Rico are still in need of a lot. Puerto Rico in particular was badly hit, with its residents living without food, water or electricity.
FEMA and the federal government have been criticized for being too slow to respond with aid for the island territory's residents, and so private citizens are doing all they can to bridge the gap.
Carmelo Anthony and Queen B are just two of the many Americans doing all they can to help.
Now, ahead of a charity concert in New York City, Tidal has announced that it has charted a plane to fly 200,000 pounds of supplies to Puerto Rico, Variety reports.
The company, owned mostly by JAY-Z, has partnered with New York's governor, Andrew Cuomo, to gather diapers, baby wipes, batteries, bottled water, feminine hygiene products and flashlights for the people of Puerto Rico.
Jay and company hope to get the public's help in getting together this 200,000 pound aid package. Tidal is asking New Yorkers to drop off goods at its collection centers. Those that can't donate in person can donate via Tidal's site.
The plane is set to take off for Puerto Rico on October 7. If all goes according to plan, it will make several journeys to the island.