Is a woman only a woman through a man’s eye? This is the question I asked myself as I began writing this piece. It is a simple question, so it should require a simple answer. What is sexual assault? I don’t know. That is a much harder question and I do not have a law degree. I do know that sexual assault cannot be defined by the perpetrator or the accused. Brett Kavanaugh, the "can’t lose" nominee, has inspired his very own Not Him Too movement on Capitol Hill. The Republican Party almost in unison have decidedly rebuffed any idea that Brett Kavanaugh’s character can be slightly flawed due to his righteous upbringing and notable career, but Christine Blasey Ford has just as equal of an upbringing and is very accomplished in her particular field. Brett Kavanaugh is a professor cited in many law journals considered to be extremely ethical and is highly respected, but so is his accuser Christine Blasey Ford.
Our current political climate has caused many of our politicians and their supporters to turn a blind eye to particular social grievances while pledging allegiance to their own personal ideologies in veiled acts of patriotism. Six weeks ago Christine Blasey Ford wrote a letter accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault to a Democratic official. Brett Kavanaugh is Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. If confirmed he will be Donald Trump’s second judge appointed to the Supreme Court. Christine Blasey Ford is a woman that attended a high school party with a young Brett Kavanaugh over 30 years ago.
The truth is the only thing that exists as is. It is not right or wrong, it is not for sale nor is it free, and it is not good or bad. It is the truth and that it all it is. The truth exists whether you acknowledge it or not. It is our perspective that decides what then the truth looks like. It is our decision to acknowledge it or not. The Republican GOP and Donald Trump have extended a broken olive branch to Christine Blasey Ford. The Republican GOP has given Mrs. Ford an ultimatum to testify before them without holding an FBI investigation of her allegation of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. This is a false attempt at hearing her, and a blatant attempt to erode her human rights. From Clarence Thomas and Anita to Neil Gorsuch and no one; from Bill Cosby, Roy Moore, Les Moonves, and Harvey Weinstein – there are substantial precedents for how this claim should be handled. Mrs. Ford’s only request is that a non-biased party, the FBI, investigate her claim. There is no legitimate reason to deny her this process, not only as an American but as a person.
The GOP gave Mrs. Ford until today, September 21 to decide to testify next week in front of them without holding any investigation. Republicans and the president claim that this is not the type of investigation the FBI gets involved in and that the time of the assault is an impediment, but these are not things that prevented an investigation when Anita Hill made her claims against Clarence Thomas, and the time of Bill Cosby’s tyranny is what fueled the justice against him. But America has separate issues when it comes to black men and their potential for prison. Christine Blasey Ford should be heard out to the full extent of the law, and any American who isn’t troubled by the actions of the president and the GOP should only question when this will happen to them. The erosion of human rights did not begin with the sanctioned kidnapping of immigrant children. It began with women.
Christine Blasey Ford is getting death threats for simply coming forth to tell her truth. If she is telling a lie, someone out there is taking her seriously even if it’s no one on Capitol Hill.