Louisville, Kentucky high school freshman LaRon (Ron Ron) Tunstill Jr. is finding new ways to bring positivity to his community.
On Labor Day, Ron Ron was on the West Side of Louisville with PURPMe, a non-profit dedicated to performing kind acts throughout the community, when he noticed a homeless man wearing shoes with holes in them. What he did next was beyond inspiring.
“So I started looking at what he had on, and I was like, ‘you got no shoes,'” Tunstill told WDRB.
Ron Ron took off his new Nike high-tops and gave them to the homeless man.
Jason Reynolds, the founder of the PURPMe, told CNN that the soles of the shoes “were completely gone,” and that “his toes literally touched the ground.”
PURP is an organization that’s “dedicated to help kids find their purpose.” They were doing homeless outreach when Ron Ron decided to donate his shoes to the man in need.
“You got 14-year-old kids out here shooting and killing people, and Ron Ron decides he’s going to give his own shoes,” said Reynolds while filming the video on his phone.
After the video went viral, Reynolds created a Gofundme campaign to support PURP. 100% of the proceeds will go toward helping more kids like Tunstill.
Watch the full video encounter below.
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