In today's installment of WTF, the internet has uncovered video of a table read for a hip-hop musical written by none other than white nationalist, Breitbart News founder, and chief advisor to the president, Steve Bannon. The premise for the attempted rap musical titled, The Thing I Am, is centered on the 1992 Los Angeles riots sparked by the acquittal of LAPD officers in the beating of black motorist, Rodney King.
The video, which was found by NowThis, shows a live table read featuring real actors reciting actual BS from the defunct script. The failed dramatic rendering, laced with expletives including a generous dose of the N-Word, can only be characterized as a card-carrying racist's ridiculous attempt at black slang in a terrible, awful, horrible, one-dimensional manuscript. Y'all really have to see this mess to believe it.
Wow…what a world.