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What's in a name? Well, if the “name” or title of an individual is sociopath, everything is embroiled in that name.
Sociopath is a term that can describe an individual who fits into societal norms, but beneath the figurative surface, is anything but social. In fact, they do everything in their power to perpetrate certain antisocial, rule-breaking, lawbreaking norms. That concept only scratches the surface. What can be done to thwart the ill adjusted viewpoints and behaviors of someone who behaves in a manner that is antisocial?
Their Paths Are Not Our Paths
People who have antisocial tendencies (aka sociopaths) treat people as objects to maneuver or manipulate around to achieve a goal. Their viewpoint is that they are entitled to behave as they do because x and y has taken place in their lives. Their poignant sense of charm and fleeting tolerances is coupled with rage that bubbles beneath the surface.
They don't really become attached to anyone — others are liabilities and casualties to them, versus attachments and risks that most people adhere to and believe in experiencing during everyday life. Sociopaths lack empathy far more often than not.
Teaching What Does Not Want To Be Taught
Helping the sociopath become a “better person” is an uphill climb at best. So how do you teach something to someone that is unapproachable or not willing to change because he or she doesn't care or feel as though it is necessary?
A good tool to implement in one's arsenal is to meet the antisocial thinking where it is at. By this, it means that you cannot, or rather should not, go to a sociopathic type personality and insist or even ask them to confess their sins and repent. If it does happen at all, it will be a coo on their part as a manager to achieve whatever it is they are trying to achieve.
One must fully contemplate that if you go in thinking you know best or can outsmart a person with sociopathic type tendencies, think again. They are able to out psych many shrinks. Know this and acknowledge this straight out the gate. Hence the statement of "meet them where they are at," which is possibly waist deep in antisocial behaviors that often look like being charming, and callousness where empathy would show up with most folks in everyday life.
A sociopath is what most people are not on a regular basis — tolerant of some things and not others, callous and packing passion. They believe in the powers that be, meaning oneself, versus good over bad, right over wrong etc.
Lastly, speaking to someone with these tendencies needs to be approached with what is considered a worldview. This may help them practice prosocial behaviors, even if it's just enough for that individual to not partake in the behaviors those around them may find upsetting.
Kids Can Be Candidates, Too
As the title states, children can also show warning signs of sociopathic tendencies. Needless to say, just like any unwanted behaviors in a child, they need to be nipped in the bud. It has been stated before that it takes 30 days to develop a full-blown habit. This topic of discussion is no different. A young person’s "problem behaviors" can become full-blown sociopathic mind frames in an unwavering adult.
Equally Yoked
Ignoring these problems and potentially detrimental behaviors by sugar coating truths or dancing around the severity of what has taken place is not going to help! Stuff needs to be addressed. Nothing can be altered or changed until it is acknowledged and brought to an individual, especially where childhood endeavors are concerned.
The more that is understood, the better one can help a loved one or a person who exhibits these tendencies. Knowledge is power, and in some instances, becoming formally educated in the behavioral sciences is helpful. A good program from a higher education institution with an emphasis on psychology or social work may be a route to consider.