Before I get started please understand in my world alliteration trumps geography and I am aware South Africa is a country, not a city. Now that we have that settled, let’s jump in.
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Cape Town, South Africa and I fell in LOVE! Initially I was splitting my time between Johannesburg and Cape Town, but after a couple of days in CT I couldn’t go back. #SorryNotSorry. As the days went on and I was able to get fully immersed in the culture it reminded me of one of my favorite cities, San Francisco, minus the gentrification. Vineyards, the cool temperature and a liberal gay community, laid back people are just a few reasons why they are kind of the same place at the same damn time.
Awesome Food
Prisons in the middle of the city
Unique Architecture
Mountains in the middle of the city
Street art