Richard T. Jones has joined the cast of "American Horror Story: Hotel," the next installment in the hit Ryan Murphy FX franchise. Per Deadline, Jones has booked an 8-episode arc playing L.A. homicide Detective Hahn.
The actor joins the returning Angela Bassett, as well as other series regulars like Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, and Kathy Bates.
Newbies include Lady Gaga and Cheyenne Jackson.
Bassett joins fellow AHS alum Sarah Paulson, Kathy Bates, Evan Peters, Wes Bentley, Chloë Sevigny and Matt Bomer in the cast of "Hotel," along with newcomers Lady Gaga and .
As has been the case for previous season, little is known at this time about what story the next season of AHS will tell, and what roles each of the above actors will play.
Production of the 13-episode "Hotel" begins in Los Angeles this summer, and will air on FX in October.
On Jones’ slate includes the Will Smith drama "Concussion" which will be out in December.
Here’s a new teaser for the upcoming season – one of many to come, I’m sure: