The year 1968 is one of the most pivotal years in American history. It not only marks the year the world lost Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, but it was also when the Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed into law, which effectively outlawed housing discrimination based on race.
Among other issues, the civil rights movement advocated for financial empowerment in the African-American community and to end discrimination across the nation.
The same issues that our ancestors fought for 50 years ago are the same issues we continue to fight for today. It is imperative for millennials to be a part of the discussion to address topics such as racial equality and financial freedom in our community to keep the dreams King envisioned alive.
AARP in Los Angeles is providing us the opportunity to do so. To honor King’s life and the legacy of the 1968 civil rights movement, AARP in Los Angeles will be holding a town hall event to discuss civil rights and financial security for people of all ages.
The town hall event will be held on April 21st from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Watts Labor Community Action Center. There will be a panel discussion, a historical civil rights tour and a special performance by the Inner City Youth Orchestra of Los Angeles at the event.
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear and speak to panelists who will discuss “Black future” in America. Topics include wealth, housing civic engagement, jobs and entrepreneurship. People of all ages are invited to come and participate in an open discussion to reflect on the past, present and future of these topics.
The event will begin with keynote speaker Valeisha Butterfield Jones, the Global Head of Women & Black Community Engagement for Google and the co-founder and CEO of the Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network (WEEN). Panelists include housing expert, Lori R. Gay; brand strategist, Sheila Coates; financial psychologist, Anita R. Johnson; AARP Los Angeles associate state director for multicultural outreach, Jennifer L. Hopson; and urban planning scholar Andre Comandon. Activist Tamika Butler will serve as the moderator.
After the panel discussion, attendees have the opportunity to take a guided, interactive civil rights tour to learn about community development and leadership.
Interested in attending? Call 1-877-926-8300 or visit to register. Registration is free, but seating is limited. Food and beverages will also be provided. Those who are not able to attend are strongly encouraged to follow the event on social media via AARP California’s Facebook page:
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