So: whether you're (still) a Kanye West fan, on team "Kanye Is Kanceled" or somewhere in between, you may have heard about Ye's new album Ye, which began streaming Thursday night.
Following Kanye's intentional descent into Trump's special sunken place, many folks vowed to stop supporting the Chicago artist. However, for many of those new never-Ye's, all of that went away as soon as the album started trending.
Despite the excitement surrounding the new work, some black folks stood their moral ground. No matter how trendy, no matter how widely discussed and no matter how "good" the new project may be … they weren't budging. For them, supporting Trump and ranting slavery was a choice was officially the very last straws.
Musical genius or not, until he walks back “slavery as a choice” and making America great again, I can’t support.— Jay Ellis (@JayREllis) June 1, 2018
Early reviews of the new Kanye album are in— DESUS & MERO (@desusandmero) June 1, 2018
Yeah. Not doing the Kanye acrobatics today with y’all.
Not doing the separate the art from the artist today wit y’all.
Y’all stay letting folks separate art from artists despite how dangerous the dumb shit they say and do is to all of us. Y’all are trash for supporting him.— George M Johnson (@IamGMJohnson) June 1, 2018
I still haven't listened to Kanye's new shit, someone play it around me so i don't have to give dude my coins lol— OXTAIL GAWD (@ThatDudeMCFLY) June 1, 2018
Some folks called out those who publicly chastised 'Ye only to turn right around and support his music:
Kanye's visit to Trump Tower, his MAGA hat, "slavery was a choice," his "reclaiming of the Confederate flag" to sell merch, his disrespect of Rhymefest & Donnie…..
Y'all let all that go. For an album released in the middle of nowhere. I don't ever want to be that kind of Stan.— April (@ReignOfApril) June 1, 2018
Your mcm cried about Kanye West’s coonery, canceled him when he said slaves had a choice, but is excited about his new album dropping.
Fake bums.— Joe Vargas (@JoeVargas) June 1, 2018
Kanye West disrespected a world full of people with outrageous remarks and supports a man that want to see our demise … Our so called people flew to Wyoming & supported his album…. smh … Kanye a genius & his album prob Great but as a man I can’t support the nonsense ..— You Know It (@TheRealChadB) June 1, 2018
Natasha Rothwell, who portrays Kelli on Insecure went in on all of the news surrounding Kanye's streaming event and dropped the mic, basically saying she won't eff with anyone who supports him — point, blank, period.
Keep it.— Natasha Rothwell (@natasharothwell) June 1, 2018
i. don't. care.— Natasha Rothwell (@natasharothwell) June 1, 2018
ICYMI: if u still fux wit Kanye, i don't fux wit you. ✌????????✌????— Natasha Rothwell (@natasharothwell) June 1, 2018
Basically, 'Ye could perform the greatest show of all time, but in the hearts and minds of these Twitter users, it wouldn't be enough for them to forgive him.