The internet fell in love with an adored professor who went viral last week thanks to a post from her daughter. On her Twitter page, Anna Cissé posted a photo of her mother carrying the baby of a student who was struggling to take notes with the child on her hip.

Dr. Ramata Sissoko Cissé, a 51-year-old assistant professor of biology at Georgia Gwinnett College, taught a three-hour course with her student's adorable sleeping baby strapped to her back, even using the child to teach a lesson on heat transfer. 

”She asked if she could bring the baby with her to class because she had missed a class already and did not want to be behind,” Cissé said of the student in an interview with Yahoo Lifestyle.

“I know the student is very smart and ambitious. She really wanted to learn. In my native Mali, we used sheets and other pieces of fabric to securely carry babies on our backs. My natural instinct was to find a way to secure the baby and I was standing next to a rack with a clean lab coat,” she added.

The baby slept through nearly the entire lesson, and the student sent Cissé and email afterward thanking her for being understanding.

“Towards the end, he woke up and I took him off my back, sat in the first row and fed him with a bottle. He did not cry once. My decision to help out this student was driven by the school culture with a student’s success being foremost. We do all we can for the student to be successful,” Cissé added.

“I did not want to see her struggling, because as a mother, I know how hard it could be.”

The post quickly racked up thousands of likes and retweets, turning the longtime professor into a star overnight. 

Cissé later told NPR that she wasn't interested in the fame and only wanted her students, as well as students across the country, to know that their professors are there to protect and help them through good times and bad.

"I want to make sure young people understand that we are here for them. We are here to support, to nurture, to guide, to love, to inspire, to teach, we are here for that. So I don't want them to give up on us. We're here. We take them very seriously," she told NPR.

Her daughter responded to a few of the comments in her Twitter thread, thanking everyone for showering her mother in love. 

"It is a privilege to have been raised and continue to be guided by such a radiant person and there isn't a day that goes by that I take that for granted," Anna Cissé told Fox 5 DC in an interview.