A recent piece in Vanity Fair told the story of how Donald Trump learned what the 25th Amendment does.
“What’s that?” you ask.
That's what the president said!
The 25th Amendment outlines to rules by which the president can be removed from office by her or his cabinet, and makes plain how the vice-president can take over for the president.
A new piece in the New Yorker looks at the current U.S. vice-president and asks what his agenda would look like if he were to take the top job.
The piece mostly focuses on Vice-President Pence's conservatism and his religion, and paints a portrait of a man that doesn't do anything without thinking about both those things.
It's a portrait that is easy to mock, and according to two sources the piece's author spoke to, the president of the United States couldn't resist poking a little fun.
Apparently, during a discussion with a legal expert about LGTBQ rights, Trump gestured to Pence and said, “Don’t ask that guy — he wants to hang them all!”
Although the president was engaging in some hyperbole, Pence did sign the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which made it legal for businesses to discriminate against gay people, while governor of Indiana.
During the same meeting, abortion came up. The legal expert said that the administration could challenge Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court case that made abortion legal, if it wanted to, but said that most states would then just pass laws protecting abortion.
Pence is no fan of abortion, and has supported "personhood" legislation that would make abortion illegal even in cases of rape and incest. He also signed a bill as governor of Indiana that restricted women from aborting abnormal fetuses.
“You see?” Trump allegedly said to Pence, “You’ve wasted all this time and energy on it, and it’s not going to end abortion anyway.”