The creator of hit Netflix show Orange Is the New Black announced a new fund dedicated to one of the show's most beloved characters that will support eight non-profits helping those affected by mass incarceration.
The Poussey Washington Fund was unveiled by creator Jenji Kohan at the show's final season premiere party in New York on Thursday. Netflix also released a video about the massive fan response to the show and how they wanted to continue the its legacy even after it ends this year.
The fund provides support to A New Way of Life: Reentry Project, Anti Recidivism Coalition, College & Community Fellowship, Incarcerated Woman and Girls, unPrison Project and the Women’s Prison Association among other organizations.
The powerful actress behind the character, Samira Wiley, said it was important for the show to honor the massive fan response with efforts to help women dealing with incarceration.
"We've been honored to tell these stories of these characters, and we've learned first-hand that the system is failing women, both inside and outside of prison walls," said Wiley.
The show's actors and creators were inspired to get involved because of a storyline in the new season. Tasha "Taystee” Jefferson starts the fund in the show and helps women financially after they get out of prison.
"Poussey Washington may have been a fictional character created for television, but her life’s story and devastating fate is all too real for many women in this country," they say on their donation page.
Poussey is one of the main reasons the show became so popular on Netflix and her shocking, brutal death at the hands of a prison guard was too much for many fans. But the show has tried to honor her death with contributions to non-profits that are already doing the work.
"Two of the organizations work on immigrant detention and the other six are organizations around the country that focus on women in the criminal justice system and work on a host of different things. And a number of them are led by formerly incarcerated women, which is really important to all of us who are associated with the fund," show writer Piper Kerman said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
"Because there are worthy efforts happening all over this country. Anything that is serving women and girls in the criminal justice system is pretty scrappy and needs all the support it can get. The Poussey Washington Fund has the potential to be really transformative to these organizations and I believe the fans will absolutely rise to the challenge."
The show released its seventh and final season on Friday.