For many students, financing a college education is difficult. The decision often comes down to accepting a near lifetime of debt in exchange for the increased life trajectory that a college degree often affords those who achieve it.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, there was much talk on the Democratic side about lowering college expenses, supplementing them and even eliminating them altogether. With Betsy Devos heading up the Department of Education under the current administration, who knows what the future of college funding will look like. The good news is that, despite the current political climate, corporations like Lowe’s are continuing their commitment to help fund the education of many students at historically black colleges and universities.
"More than ever, a college education is foundational to building bright futures, inspiring leaders and stronger communities,” said Lowe’s community relations director, James Frison. “Scholarships and financial aid often provide the assistance needed for students having trouble paying for a degree so they continue and stay on the course. Lowe’s is proud to help make a college education a reality for many of our future leaders.”
With a recent donation of $500,000 to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF), the home improvement mega store awarded emergency student aid to more than 200 graduating seniors at the UNCF’s 37 HBCU’s during the 2016-17 academic year. The UNCF’s Emergency Student Aid (ESA) is a lifeline for UNCF-supported HBCU students with unanticipated needs or special circumstances such as the loss of a parent’s job. The donation from Lowe’s helped several students who met this criteria to stay on track toward graduation.
Photo: UNCF
Since 1985, Lowe’s has worked with the UNCF to contribute more than $4.5 million to the on-time graduation of more than 1,700 students. “For more than 30 years, Lowe’s has been a vital partner in UNCF’s continuing mission to increase post-secondary access and success for students attending its member schools who need critical funding to earn their degrees,” said Dr. Michael Lomax, UNCF president and CEO. “We commend Lowe’s for their investment in better futures for students across the country.” The current round of support from Lowe’s includes a total award of nearly $64,000 to the five UNCF-supported HBCUs in North Carolina.
Photo: Lowe's
We see you Lowe’s. I’ll be sure to keep this in mind when it comes time to shop for that DIY home improvement project.
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