At Wilbur Wright College, we have a lot of activities going on. Some events are happening daily, once a month, or bi-weekly. College isn’t all just about homework, studying for finals, and thinking about what your next career steps will look like. During your time on campus, lessen your stress load by joining a group. Try attending an event, or creating a workshop for people to attend.
You’re in control of your life outside the classroom, so why not make it the best experience possible? Here are some things happening on my college campus, hopefully after hearing about some of these events you’ll feel inspired to check out what’s going on at your own school!
In the City of Chicago, our Mayoral election is happening on February 28th. Mayoral forums, where candidates answer questions from citizens about how they’ll address our needs, have been taking place all over the city for the past couple of months. Wilbur Wright College will be hosting one of those forums. It’s a very big deal. It’s important to know who’s going to be running for different city council positions, the policies they’re backing, and how open they are to actively engage with the community.
Typically, each forum covers a different central topic that will help better guide the conversation. Some forums will have conversations around public safety, education, policing, women’s rights, etc. There will be questions based on those topics, and the mayoral candidates will let us know their stance and their approach to improving systemic environments if needed. The mayoral forum that will be held at my school will be geared toward the topic of Black citizens in the city receiving reparations. If an election is coming up, see if there’s a way to utilize your school to host a forum of your own. Those who are running for office, who will be hands-on when it comes to the quality of our education, should be willing to speak to their possible future citizens.
Financial Literacy
Aside from one-off events, Wilbur Wright College has a lot of recurring workshops that are happening! Coming together to learn tips from other students and professors on how to better improve your non-academic life. Wilbur Wright College will be hosting the “Generational Life Hacks” series that’s teaching participants how to break cycles of financial dependency and mental exhaustion. You don’t just have to learn out of a textbook while in college. It can be in the student resource center around other students who have similar external interests.
We’re all either becoming or growing more into our adulthood in these four years of schooling. It’s important that we’re picking up knowledge that will help us pass that test, and survive in the real world. The “Generational Life Hacks” workshops series will teach us how to recognize, avoid, and undo common financial mistakes people make. As well as touching on the mental health elements that come to play when discussing our relationship to money or lack thereof.
Social and Cultural Advocacy
Wilbur Wright College will be hosting a weekly Women’s Club! Its purpose is to, motivate, uplift, and encourage women on campus. It’ll be a safe haven for those who need it! Creating a club at your school can be one of the easiest ways to personalize your college experience. There’s no limit to what kind of club you’ll be able to put on, grab a friend, make a flyer, and get those activities going!
People say college is four years of your life you’ll never forget. Don’t have those memories all be you hunched over textbooks, fingers cramping from writing essays, or late study sessions. Make sure you’re prioritizing creating good moments as well.Of course, there will always be a multitude of groups that you can join during your college years. Groups are good for establishing a healthy social life, adding some experience to your resume, and finding some relaxing moments away from your school work. Make your college experience, work for you.
Alycia Kamil is a freedom fighter and believer of the people. She is a Freshman at Wilbur Wright College. Follow her writings, interests and more here