MLK Day is a day of service and reflection, but Jemele Hill has no time for anyone who's not taking that seriously.
On Monday, which commemorated MLK Day, the ESPN host wrote a tweet calling out the hypocrisy among people posting quotes praising King for his stance on non-violent protests while also having chastised Colin Kaepernick for doing the very same thing.
Me, watching people who criticized Colin Kaepernick for his nonviolent protest post MLK quotes today
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) January 15, 2018
Dr. King was a loud supporter of non-violent protests and his sacrifices paved the way for people such as Kaepernick to carry on his legacy as he kneels during the national anthem to protest police brutality.
The fact of the matter is, Dr. King wasn't popular while he was protesting in the same way Kaepernick's stance didn't immediately bring him popularity either.
Hill makes a point in that you can't truly honor Dr. King's legacy if you spit in the face of the very representation of it. The whole display reeks of empty reverence.