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Whether it was the fighting between best friends, the peaks and valleys of a relationship, the struggles of being the outcast at work, the life of a dreamer, the boys' friend group, the girls' friend group, the relationship between child and parent(s), the h*e phase or any of the other issues that the acclaimed TV series Insecure has explored, there was something in this show for anyone and everyone — especially the Black community.
Writer/ producer extraordinaire Issa Rae’s long-standing HBO series has become a baby to so many of its viewers, and now said baby is all grown up with its fifth and final season. Although we know all good things must come to an end, no one thought this ending would come as quickly as it did. Rae created a relatable, authentic world that always provoked a multitude of emotions with each episode.
Throughout the first four seasons, we followed the storylines of the show’s three protagonists, Issa, Molly and Lawrence. In the beginning, we watched Issa Dee grow frustrated with her boyfriend of five years, Lawrence, who isn’t doing s**t with his life and forgets her birthday. The two lived in the now infamous apartment, The Dunes, where Issa leaves every day to work at a nonprofit supporting underprivileged kids. But she has dreams that exist beyond her mundane job and fights back and forth with the essence of timing and opportunity. Shortly after a terrible breakup between Issa and Lawrence, her h*e phase was born. Issa dates around and tries to find a new guy to call home, but all guys lead her back to one truth — she isn’t over Lawrence.
Meanwhile, we follow Molly, Issa Dee’s best friend, who has been in the dating pool for a while and can’t land a relationship to save her life. Her standards are high and at times unrealistic, but whenever she does land a solid dude something is always wrong with him. How ironic? Unlike Issa, Molly lives in a luxury apartment, is at the top of the law firm she works at, takes professional wear to another level and her most faithful companion is her French bulldog, Flavor Flav. Things do eventually turn around for the better in Molly’s dating life and viewers often wondered if she’d mess it up.
Then there’s Lawrence. The male lead of the show had social media and viewers across the globe going crazy each season. The “Lawrence hive” protected him at all costs with empathy to his situation, and I guess this was because many girls dated or knew a Lawrence before. And if you’re a dude, you probably are a Lawrence, or just wanted to protect another Black man who’s trying to get his s**t together but needs more time. Lawrence was only ever with Issa, before she cheated. However, after the breakup we see him explore a h*e phase of his own. He, too, tried to forget Issa and f**k his trauma away, but realized the trauma went nowhere.
You know what else didn’t go anywhere? The love Lawrence had for Issa.
All roads, just like Issa’s, led him back to her. At the end of season four, the two lovers got a second chance and all signs showed that this time might be different. They both matured emotionally: Issa made her block party dream come true, Lawrence landed a great job in San Fran and, aside from success, their love hadn’t faltered. But in a major twist, the two had to see if their love would stand the test of time after Lawrence’s ex boo, Condola, revealed she was pregnant by him.
Now, the final season has ignited the end for this well-acclaimed TV series. The bittersweet season has given space to say goodbye to characters like Kelli, who had us laughing the entire series; homeboy Chad, who always kept it real while making awkward moments more awkward; and Inglewood, the Los Angeles city where it all started. Black people everywhere deeply embraced Insecure and reveled in seeing themselves reflected on the big screen — and that is the true challenge in having to let it go. Despite a tearful goodbye, I am forever grateful to the now media mogul Issa Rae for having created such a timeless project that will live on for many years after its finale.