We love diversity, but it’s not always represented in our mainstream mediums. “United we stand” is a popular American slogan that we hear quite often, but we don’t always finish the quote… “Divided we fall.”

Here at Blavity, we collaborate with all kinds of content creators from different backgrounds. We believe everyone’s experience is unique and everyone has a story to tell. We are black and do not apologize for it, but we also identify ourselves as American.

We asked the Creative Society to challenge the status quo and share all the reasons why we are America too.

Valerie Robinson (@unapologetic_us)

Photo: Courtesy of
Photo: Courtesy of Valerie Robinson

I am America too because this nation has been built off the backs of my ancestors. Hard work is engrained in our roots and we can rewrite the ending to our own stories. My contributions to society will one day create a legacy that will span generations as I make it a priority to revisit often what gems I wish to leave here on this earth and tackle generational curses. Although we are standing on the shoulders of giants, it is important to do our parts and not waste any of our God-given talents and the opportunities afforded to us. “The time is always right to do what is right.” I don’t take any of that, the paved paths or my unique voice for granted. If nothing else, I strive everyday to leave things BETTER than they were the day before.

“There is no such thing as I can’t, only I won’t… and that is unacceptable” – Anonymous

Rhonna Wade (@rhonnawade)

Photo: Courtesy of Rhonna Wade
Photo: Courtesy of Rhonna Wade

I am America too because my family came to America looking for the same opportunities others’ families did. I know I am more than capable and able to contribute to the bettering of the society as a whole and I cannot not let those who are afraid of change stop me.

“We may not have it all together but together we have it all.” – Anonymous

Thomas C. Knox (@datewhileyouwait)

Photo: Courtesy of Thomas C Knox
Photo: Courtesy of Thomas C Knox

I am America too based on the Constitution and my freedom of speech. I am able to develop my own American dream, giving me the ability to reconstruct the values it’s built on. I can speak freely and create a journey that allows me to challenge right from wrong, which gives me the opportunity to inspire and encourage future generations to continue the work that those before us have done to build a unified nation.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” – Gandhi

Georgette Pierre (@georgette)

Photo: Courtesy of Georgette Pierre
Photo: Courtesy of Georgette Pierre

I am America too because my siblings and I were able to live better lives due to the sacrifices my parents made moving to this country. I’m able to do things and live things my parents never imagined possible or knew existed. For that, I am mindful of the mark that I leave on this world by seeking to live my purpose, doing my best to empower and speak up for those that may feel discriminated against. Also acknowledging my ancestors that came before me to make this life possible for myself and others.

“There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do.” – Freya Star

Brandon E. Miller (@thatguybmills)

Photo: Courtesy of Brandon E. Miller
Photo: Courtesy of Brandon E. Miller

I am America too because my ancestors are firmly rooted in the foundation that supports America. Like vines, my family’s contributions are woven into the history that defines America. And I, like you, continue to plant the seeds that once cultivated, will feed tomorrow’s America. I have faith that the American Dream will be what it used to be; regardless of what we look like, where we come from, how we think or how we live.

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” – Anonymous

Alicia Davis (@cubiclesandcurls)

Photo: Courtesy of Alicia Davis
Photo: Courtesy of Alicia Davis

I am America too because my parents came to this country for a better life and to give me more opportunities. I’ve worked hard to get everything I have and then some — a good education, a job I enjoy and extra satisfaction from side endeavors. My history is American history and my struggle was born and can only be addressed by America.

“Think globally, act locally” – Patrick Geddes

Jon Lowe (@jlowe594)

Photo: Courtesy of Jon Lowe
Photo: Courtesy of Jon Lowe

I am America too because I was born and raised here, but it goes beyond that. Being American is not just about your document papers, but more about how you live your life, how you fight for equal rights, how you contribute to making this country greater, and how you vote to secure our country’s future. I am an American, but I am also an African-American.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain

Jonathan Singletary

Photo: Jonathan Singletary
Photo: Jonathan Singletary

I am America too because I was raised in the burbs, went to a high school that was less than 1% black, attended 99% black HBCU Morehouse College, went to Stanford University for grad school, love hip hop, folk music, alternative rock, and R&B, play basketball and acoustic guitar, and often ask what IPA the local bars have on tap. I am unapologetically black, and a complex fusion of cultures and diverse experiences that are uniquely American. I am America because I am diversity and diversity makes America what it is.

Quote: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33

Nic (@niktrition + @thefleektox)

Photo: Courtesy of Nic
Photo: Courtesy of Nic

I am America too because I embrace that America is all that is the Western Hemisphere; cognizant that this expands beyond the boundaries of what has been established as the United States of America. Being American is not about boundaries and limitations, but about enlightenment formed through the experience of globalization. The same globalization that warranted its founding and continues to emancipate those shackled by limited opportunity and rights. I am America too.

“Think Globally, Act Locally” – Patrick Geddes

Marqueeda LaStar (@lastargotnext)

Photo: Courtesy of Marqueeda LaStar
Photo: Courtesy of Marqueeda LaStar

I am America too because we are a nation of individuals that love our communities and ride for our chosen tribes. We champion our freedom to live as we choose. To be both bold and darling. To never stop reaching, growing or evolving. We live enriched lives due to these choices, challenges, tireless dedication to self-improvement, building a better tomorrow and the resulting diversity of expression. Our differences compliment our common ground. In Tim Curry fashion, I ask, What is light without darkness? I live to completely realize and help others embrace the untapped power and potential that lies within our differences. I love my weird and yours.

It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” -Audre Lorde

So… What does America mean to YOU?

Spread the word. Post your own self-portrait on Twitter or Instagram and tell us why YOU are America too. Make sure to tag @Blavity using the hashtag #IAmAmericaToo.

Learn more about the Creative Society.

Talk more about this with us on Thursday, November 3rd at 12pm PT | 3pm ET on Twitter.

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