Cuffing season is back again! For many, the only way to survive the rest of the rollercoaster that is 2018 is to have a boo-thang by their side. It's already getting colder — no need for your heart to be cold, too.

But don't worry. We're here to help you prepare with seven different starter packs for several different relationship types, because not all starter packs are created equal. Let us provide you with a customized cuffing experience, based on your personality.

1. The Serial Loner

Get out the house, get out the house, and — oh yes — get out the damn house. As they say, your boo won't come to you in the mail (unless it's your fine AF FedEx deliverer). You'll have plenty of time to become the world's greatest hermit, once the winter portion of cuffing season really gets into full swing. The difference is that you'll have some company. Your loner status is an advantage, since it's less intimidating to approach one person on the flirting tip than a group of people. Cuffing season is especially great for loner types, since it's just temporary. You'll be back to your regularly scheduled solo-dolo programming in no time.

2. The Relationship Hopper

Your pack will have one major thing inside: focus. We're sure your roster is hella full and hella diverse. The only hard part will be narrowing it all down to just one cuffing buddy.

3. The Picky Person

Cuffing season is not a game. Demand is high and supply is low. All that pickiness needs to being eliminated, or at the very least, compromised. Maybe you can ease up on your 6'2" minimum height requirement? Does your cuffing boo have to look like Kelly Rowland or Michael B. Jordan? Let's re-evaluate all that. Variety is key for your starter pack, unless you want to end up in the cold — literally and figuratively.

4. The Wannabe Wifey / Hubby

We know, we know; you are meant to walk down the aisle. However, who says you can't have any fun on your way there? Let go of any preconceived notions for the future, and focus on practicing your cuddle skills for the season. Who knows? Maybe that Bailey's hot chocolate will suddenly bring your boo an epiphany, and make them realize that you're "the one." Stranger things have happened, y'all.

5. The Freshly Broken Up 

Cuffing season is where rebounds get caught — or um, cuffed. The feeling of being on the rebound is similar to how one may feel during cuffing season; there is an urgent sense of desperation to get under somebody new ASAP. Your starter pack will include a muzzle for shutting up about your ex. Nothing will make your cuffing boo more cold than going on about the good ole days. We're in the here and now, OK pumpkin?

6. The Cynic

Don't even believe in cuffing season as a practice? Here's your chance to open up your mind and arms, so that you can embrace a cuffing season bae. Since you don't really trust that you won't be boo'd up (even in desperate times such as cuffing season), try doing something unconventional to meet your cold weather boo. Not into swiping right to meet that special temporary lover? Get over it. Just for now. 

7. The Hopeless Romantic 

On the flip side, there's the one person who believes their prince or princess charming will come. Snuggling up in a warm home can definitely bring out the romantic side. So we say, go all out. This is your chance to show up and show out on the romantic tip: Draw that warm bubble bath, make that delicious dinner and snuggle up under that cozy blanket. (We hear weighted blankets are lit right now.)

Let the cuffing season games begin! 

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