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Is it just me or has the start of the holiday season begun earlier each year?

Honestly, after what we experienced collectively in 2020, I truly believe it’s because we’re all craving for the wonder, nostalgia and magic of the holiday season. Many people decorated their homes right after Halloween. There are long lines at your nearest farmers market for those freshly cut Christmas trees. Those cheeky Hallmark movies (that we all secretly love) are playing on TV, and even Lifetime got in on the action by airing holiday movies during the summer.

If you’re hosting your family or friends this holiday season, consider these ideas to bring intentionality and appreciation for each other into your celebrations.

Host An Intentional Potluck Dinner

The best conversations and stories told seem to happen around the dinner table. The holiday season is the ideal time to engage in the practice of sharing a delicious meal with your circle of friends while reminiscing on activities shared. When planning your holiday soirée, create a welcoming environment by adding fresh decor, furniture, decorative curtains, florals and your best dishes to your table.

If you are the designated event planner, another exciting idea is to add place cards and pair friends or family next to someone they wouldn’t normally gravitate towards in order to build new relationships. Try adding conversation cards around the table, such as the Icebreaker Deck. These cards initiate deeper, more meaningful conversations, especially if one of your family members or friends is single. We all know how lonely the holidays can be without a special someone, so let your inner cupid shine bright like a diamond. This is the art of planning a wonderful experiential event.

Lastly, invite your family or friends to prepare a unique dish to potluck together. You can be as creative as you’d like here.

Choose A Designated Photographer To Take Pictures That Capture The Essence Of The Season

First, ensure that they understand the assignment. Make sure they capture all the goofy, fun and beautiful moments throughout the event. Also, if you’re going on a trip, ensure that your guests are well-connected to each moment that’s snapped by creating a designated hashtag for social media purposes. Photos will keep the memories intact long after the event concludes.

Host A Movie Party

Nothing gives you the warm and toasty holiday feelings quite like snuggling up under a pile of blankets for a Christmas movie. If you’re inviting your family or friends to join you, create a queue of classic holiday films. A few suggestions are Home Alone, The Preacher’s Wife and Almost Christmas.

Have Fun With The Planning Process

It can be very frustrating trying to put together festivities, especially during the holiday season, if you are a novice. However, if you take your time and jot down your ideas in advance, the planning process can become a bit more manageable. Remember, planning can be stressful if we don’t manage our expectations.

There you have it — a simple, perfect, exciting holiday meet-up to help you get lost in the magic of the holidays. Also, don’t forget good music is a must at your celebrations, so prepare a diverse playlist mixed with classic and modern holiday music to play throughout the event. 

Have fun with your friends and family while celebrating together again. May this season bring you joy, peace and togetherness.


Karmisha Superville is the CEO of EBK Events, a full-service event planning firm located in New York City. For a complimentary event consultation or to learn more about Ebk Events, feel free to send an email to ebkeventsllc@gmail.com.