As you get into the swing of things this semester, you’ll probably realize that you don’t have as much time in the morning as you hoped, and you might not always have time to run to the cafeteria before class. Sausage McMuffins and pancakes on a stick aren’t the only way to make sure you get an early serving of protein. And Pop Tarts and Toaster Strudels don’t have to be on your grocery shopping list because you’re a college student. Prepping is the name of the game. Get smoothie ingredients into a ziplock the night before, or make fresh granola on Sunday evening to last you throughout the week. Don’t just pre-pack your lunch (honestly, you’ll probably eat out anyway), but get a healthy serving of fruits, vegetables and more with these recipes.

Fruits and vegetables

Coconut Matcha Smoothie

Photo: Heart of a Baker
Photo: Heart of a Baker

Green Smoothie Bowl

Photo: Tumblr
Photo: Tumblr

Fruits and grains

Blueberry and Chocolate Chip Parfait

Photo: How to: Simply
Photo: How to: Simply

Granola Nectarine Yogurt Parfait

Photo: The Petite Cook

Blackberry Cashew Bars

Photo: Salted Plains
Photo: Salted Plains

Cinnamon Apple Granola

Photo: Salted Plains
Photo: Salted Plains

Avocado Toast

Photo: Tumblr
Photo: Tumblr


Sweet Potato And Mozzarella Egg Skillet

Photo: Averie Cooks
Photo: Averie Cooks

Spinach, Egg, And Cheese Breakfast Bites

Photo: Real House Moms
Photo: Real House Moms

Baked Goods

Blueberry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Photo: How to: Simply

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