Best known from her television fame, Love & Hip-Hop: Hollywood's Hazel-E and her boyfriend, Rose Burgundy, are under fire after sharing some more than harsh remarks on social media bashing darker skinned women and the LGBTQ community.
It started with a rumor. Burgundy, recently accused of being romantically interested in men, decided to debunk the myth in a tactless fashion, by bashing the gay community on Instagram. The obscene gesture, an image of a burning gay pride flag, touches on a harsh reality of homophobia and fear of acceptance in society, particularly in the black community. Rather than discuss and respect our differences, individuals like Burgundy and Hazel opt to discredit and disrespect what they simply cannot comprehend.
Burgundy damned homosexuals to hell, with a stinging cosign from Hazel, “Burn in hell just like God said in the Bible!”
To make matters worse, Hazel-E decided to make a separate post, attacking comedian Jess Hilarious and Camyonce, who allegedly sparked the rumor of Rose Burgundy's alternative sexual ambiguity. He'd apparently been communicating with Jess, pursuing sexual interest when, in conversation, there were remarks that alluded to Burgundy being bisexual. Hazel goes on to call Jess an assortment of insults, targeting her dark skin – a play all too common in communities of color.
Colorism, like homophobia, haunts the black community with its divisiveness. Is this not the same systematic racism that is used against us as a people?
Hazel-E and her boyfriend need a lesson or several on what it means to be homophobic and how words are not as harmless as we think.
Since then, Hazel E has lost her endorsement deal with Shoedazzle, who stated publicly they are a brand that doesn't tolerate hate speech.
No word from Mona Scott on officially firing Hazel E from the Love and Hip Hop franchise, however, she did share on Instagram yesterday an anti-bullying flyer in honor of spirit day which has fans believing that Hazel's final days on television are coming soon.