On Thursday, Elon Musk removed legacy blue checkmarks from those not subscribed to Twitter Blue. Consequently, many celebrities have shared their humor-infused reactions after realizing Twitter no longer verifies their accounts.
At the onset of the afternoon, legacy verified checkmarks suddenly began disappearing from Twitter just months after Musk warned the app would discontinue the blue ticks following his $44 billion platform acquisition in October.
For verification with a blue check, one must now sign up for Twitter Blue, a subscription-based service that costs $8 monthly.
With this shift, celebrities were not exempt from losing their blue checks. Stars like Cardi B, Ryan Reynolds and Khloé Kardashian are speculated to have either subscribed to Twitter Blue or, as Musk has stated, can keep the checks without paying.
One of the more animated reactions came from Oscar winner Halle Berry when she noticed she was no longer verified on Twitter. The Monster’s Ball star shared a humorous reaction to the change one day in advance on Twitter.
“Tomorrow, 4/20, we are removing legacy verified checkmarks,” a tweet stated, with instructions on how to subscribe.
In response, Berry shared a nostalgic video of herself walking onto a late-night talk show set, smiling and waving to fans. She aptly captioned her tweet, “Me joining you all tomorrow unverified.”
Me joining you all tomorrow unverified 🥰 https://t.co/ujDlcsV8aL pic.twitter.com/1p6Q0uRuj1
— Halle Berry (@halleberry) April 20, 2023
On the day of the feature alteration, Berry confirmed her blue check vanished by posting a funny meme. The photo, which highlights Dexter from the hit Cartoon Network show Dexter’s Laboratory, showed the character crying over what formerly was Berry’s verified Twitter account.
— Halle Berry (@halleberry) April 20, 2023
Another notable figure who commented on losing their blue check was Lil Nas X. The rapper tweeted a brief statement alongside a video of Squidward Tentacles from Spongebob Squarepants asking for spare change.
“Me after I lose my blue check tomorrow,” he wrote.
me after i lose my blue check tomorrow pic.twitter.com/XVLjHlSZh2
— pussy (@LilNasX) April 20, 2023
Other celebrities also seemed unbothered about losing their blue checkmarks. For example, Atlanta-bred singer/dancer Ciara was seemingly unfazed about losing her blue check as she tweeted, “Blue check or no check … I know my fans still checkin.”
Blue check or no check… I know my fans still checkin. ❤️
— Ciara (@ciara) April 20, 2023
When it comes to politicians, President Joe Biden transitioned from a blue check to a grey one on Thursday because his account is a “government or multilateral organization account.”
Other celebrities to express thoughts on losing their blue checks include British comedian and presenter Richard Osman, comedian Ricky Gervais, actor Rachel Zeigler, actor Ben Stiller and more.