Political pundit debates are lit!
In a clip from Fox News' Outnumbered Overtime with RNC spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany and former DNC vice-chair and current New York State Assemblyman Michael Blake, things became so heated that host Harris Faulkner had to cut to commercial.
According to Salon, the conversation mostly centered around this upcoming fall midterm election season. Though Faulkner asked whether Trump should be considered a "kingmaker" for the GOP in connection with Ohio, in particular, Blake scoffed at the thought, referring to his "failed agenda" instead.
McEnany tried to defend her president with the, you guessed it, low black unemployment rates talking points.
“Let me step in there because I want to understand what you mean by failed agenda,” she said. “The economy is cooking along. We have more jobs than people looking because we have got to get in there and train and give access.”
“These numbers are incredible,” she continued. “Not to put too fine a point on it look what it is among African-Americans and Hispanics, historic. So what do you mean failed agenda?”
Blake then stepped in and read McEnany.
“Harris, your talking points are failed,” Blake said. “Let’s be clear. First of all, there were more jobs created under Barack Obama in the same timetable than under Donald Trump. One. Two, wages have not gone up–”, to which McEnany deemed, "false."
“The AP reported last week wages are going up a faster pace than they have in 10 years," she noted. "I think it’s a very sad day in America when you sit here and call it a failure that Hispanic and African-American unemployment are at their lowest rates, that employment overall is at an 18-year low, that we had 4.1 percent GDP. It is a very sad day in America.”
That was when Blake had enough of her nonsense.
“Please spare me talk about black and Latino communities, Kayleigh,” retorted Blake.
“Until you can make sure kids are not in cages, don’t talk to me about black and Latino communities,” he shot back.
Mic drop.
Now, check these out:
Work It: The Unemployment Rate For African Americans Has Hit A 17-Year Low