We all can use an extra dose of love from time to time — and artist India.Arie knows how to deliver on this.
Her top hits are both empowering and entertaining and they express important themes on love, gratitude and tons of Black Girl Magic. Even Viola Davis know this as she posted a picture on Monday quoting lyrics from India.Arie in her caption to encapsulate the strength and glory in all she is.
In honor of India.Arie and the many ways she speaks to our souls, here are some of our favorite self-love lyrics from the queen.
1. "I am not the things my family did, I am not the voices in my head, I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside, I am light, I am light." — I Am Light, 2013
2. "If you create the game then you create the rules and if you just be you there's no way you can lose." — Just Do You, 2013
3."You've got a way of making it all OK, You make it OK, Your love is like cocoa butter on my heart" — Cocoa Butter, 2013
4. "Child Its time to break the shell. Life's gonna hurt but its meant to be felt, You cannot touch the sky from inside yourself, You cannot fly until you break the shell." — Break The Shell, 2013
5. "I learned to love myself unconditionally because I am a queen." — Video, 2001