Family Feud has had its fair share of hilarious moments, courtesy of its contestants and its host, comedian and entertainer Steve Harvey. On a recent episode of the long-running game show, Harvey was acquainted with Aleah, an elementary school counselor and contestant who claims she sounds just like one of music’s prolific vocalists.
“In my head, I am Beyoncé’s cousin and I sound just like her,” she said. “Aleah then went on to mimic the singer with her own rendition of the “Happy Birthday.” Safe to say, Harvey was not impressed and interrupted her mid-singing.
Safe to say, Harvey was not impressed and interrupted her mid-singing.
“Hey, are you serious?” he said. “Are you serious? In your head, you thought that was Beyoncé? Are you serious?”
Harvey then turned to Aleah’s family, the Blackstones, for explanation for her Beyonce impression.
“Y’all, what’s wrong with you?” he said. “Y’all should’ve shut this down. How many years have you been supporting this?”
Sadly, Harvey hilariously broke the news to Aleah that her singing is not remotely close to Beyonce’s.