Let’s face it. We’re a month into 2018 and many of us have already fallen off of the New Year manifestations wagon. Remember when we so confidently wrote down our goals in our freshly purchased planner, surrounded by our day ones, and created banging ass vision boards? Remember meditating on our dreams and even proclaiming we would speak them into existence? I do. If you’re anything like me, you were ready for your testimony! You were ready to speak your truth, because you decided that this year you would reclaim your existence.
It was all good just four weeks ago!
That was early January, and now we’re struggling. Old habits die hard, and the haters that tried to shift your energy in 2017 are attempting to finesse their way back into your life in 2018. Never fear though — the year just started and, truth be told, progress is a daily practice. We slip up, we fall off, but the best thing we can do is get back up and keep rocking.
I once heard that it takes 21 days to form or break habits. I'm not sure how valid that statement is, but it sounds good. Let’s keep working on our goals way past 21 days. But how?! You asked, and I’ll answer.
Use these three tips to go forth, conquer your goals and actualize your meditations in 2018!
1. Limit the amount of goals.
I know how easy it is to get goal crazy. To think to yourself, “It’s a new year, new me. I have so many things I want to accomplish.” Before you know it, you have not one, not two, not three – but maaad goals in place. If you thought accomplishing one goal was difficult, try adding more than a handful. It becomes even harder to manage.
When you think about your goals, narrow down your list to a few for the year. If you find it hard to narrow your list down, then consider adjusting your timeline. For example, take your 12 goals and commit to accomplishing three per quarter. That way, you’re not trying to juggle all priorities at one moment.
3. Plan for the unexpected.
What’s one of the best ways to fall off your goals? Not planning ahead. Let’s break this down a bit.
So one of your goals is to eat healthier food? What’s the plan for that? What happens when your schedule is jam-packed and you don’t have time to meal prep? Will you go straight to the pizza place? Nah. Create contingency plans where you identify an action that you would take to avoid temptation.
4. Create accountability.
Remember making your vision boards and telling your day ones about all the things you planned to accomplish in 2018? They need to hold you to your dreams. Even when you know what goals you want to achieve, sometimes it’s difficult to follow through. Share your goals with close friends and ask them to check your progress throughout the year. Make sure you’re sharing with friends that will support you and push you. Steer clear of the fake friends and last year's haters, because they will likely try to deter you. By discussing your dreams with your real friends, you can create a sense of accountability, which in turn, can help create motivation and momentum.
Don’t psych yourself out, and be patient with yourself. We still have time. Progress can come overnight, but often doesn’t. More than just committing to our dreams, we need to commit to ourselves. Remind yourself daily that you can achieve your goals — big or small. If anything, “shoot for the stars, so if you fall, you land on a cloud.”