At this year’s Oscars, director Ryan Coogler was nominated alongside Shaka King and Charles King in the Best Picture category as a producer for Judas and the Black Messiah. This marks the first time in Oscars’ history that an all-Black producing team in the night’s biggest category. Despite this, Coogler has no plans to join the Academy.
In a previous interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Coogler revealed he declined an invitation to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Cooler revealed his love of movies was a crucial reason for his decision.
“I don’t buy into this versus that, or ‘this movie wasn’t good enough to make this list,’” Coogler said. “I love movies. For me, that’s good enough. If I’m going to be a part of organizations, they’re going to be labor unions, where we’re figuring out how to take care of each other’s families and health insurance. But I know that these things bring exposure.”
Coogler declined the Academy invitation in 2016, after the critical and commercial success of his feature directorial sophomore effort Creed, which starred Michael B. Jordan.
The prolific creator has a number of projects in the works as he gets back behind the director’s chair for Wrong Answer, also starring Jordan. He’s also directing Black Panther 2 and is developing a Wakanda Marvel Cinematic Universe series.