Bel-Air, the dramatic retelling of the Will Smith-starring sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, became a viral sensation this past March. Now, Smith himself has given his verdict on the trailer.
The trailer created by Morgan Cooper has reached over 3.3 million views on YouTube and was shared by Tatyana Ali, who played Ashley Banks on the popular sitcom.
Smith reacted to the trailer in his latest YouTube video, in which he and Cooper talk about the genesis of the trailer and where it can take the Fresh Prince story for new generations.
“I saw this trailer that Morgan Cooper hooked up…this is the first time that I’ve heard something like that and I was like, ‘Yo, that’s an idea that is brilliant,'” said Smith while filming on location in Miami with Cooper.
Later in the video, Smith sits down with Cooper and former Fresh Prince writer Mike Soccio about the energy a more dramatic retelling brings to the Fresh Prince storylines.
“…The dramatic version of these ideas means that you can use existing storylines,” said Smith as he sat down with Cooper and Soccio, “but it’s not going to seem like you’re redoing an episode because the storyline is going to be brand new from the dramatic perspective.”
Watch the full video below.
Photo: Will Smith/YouTube