In a message posted on social media, Underground co-creator Misha Green has said goodbye to the show. Underground aired on WGN for two seasons but was canceled by the network after it got a new owner.
The move came after Sinclair Media Group’s acquisition of Tribune Media in a deal valued at $3.9 billion, announced earlier this year. And with the purchase, it was expected that the network’s new owners would likely have other plans for the properties they just bought — thus the cancellation of the show.
For the past several months, the show’s actors, crew and fans have been lobbying for a new home for the critically-acclaimed show, specifically on Netflix.
In her statement, she said that “…Underground won’t be coming back to television. At least, not in its current iteration.”
Read the full statement below:
✊????✊????✊???? #goodbyeUnderground
— Misha Green (@MishaGreen) November 4, 2017
Green has several high-profile projects in the works, which include a female empowerment, action thriller titled Mother, which landed at Netflix in a competitive bid. It is produced by Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions and J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot.
She also developing with Peele and Abrams another project at HBO, Lovecraft Country, an adaptation of the horror novel of the same name which tackles race.