Directed by Lewie Kerr, check out this moving short film titled "Limbo," a faux documentary about a man named Issam, an immigrant from Sudan living in London, who works round the clock on 2 jobs, as a street sweeper and a security guard. He takes us on a tour of his dull and lonely life, and along the way reveals his private passion for the buildings of London. We soon learn that he has his own dream of becoming an architect and has been spending his time developing plans for a radical transformation of London’s skyline. But just as he proudly prepares to show us his portfolio he discovers, to his horror, that his cherished drawings are missing. And he sets out to find them.
It’s a familiar tale that I believe any stranger in a strange land would appreciate. Throughout my life, I’ve known quite a few people like Issam – educated professionals in their homelands, who travel to more prosperous countries to build better lives for themselves, only to struggle in the end, taking jobs that don’t utilize their earned skills, if only to make ends meet – essentially living in limbo.
Starring in the film is Issam Issam Elkhawad, who actually died in 2007.