Amandla Stenberg will star in The Eddy. The series from La La Land director Damien Chazelle, led by André Holland, is “a musical drama set in contemporary multicultural Paris revolving around a club, its owner, the house band, and the chaotic city that surrounds them. The eight-episode series will be shot in France and feature dialogue in French, English and Arabic for premiere exclusively to Netflix members worldwide,” per the official description.

Holland will also co-exec produce the series. which is set at the streaming giant from Endeavor Content. His character will be Elliot Udo, “a celebrated jazz pianist in New York” who is now in Paris as a “part-owner of a failing jazz club, hiding from everyone. He has an on-again-off-again relationship with his lead singer but is emotionally stunted. When his fifteen-year-old daughter shows up suddenly, he has to face his weakness and learn to grow up.”

Stenberg will play the daughter, Julie, in her series regular debut on television. Her recent film credits include the critically-acclaimed film, The Hate U Givebased on the Black Lives Matter-inspired novel of the same name.

Chazelle will direct episodes of the series, along with Houda Benyamina, Alan Poul and Jack Thorne.

The Eddy will debut in 2020.



‘The Eddy’: André Holland To Lead Paris-Set, Netflix Musical Drama Series From ‘La La Land’ Director Damien Chazelle


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