After five seasons on HBO, iconic TV series The Wire ended in March 2008. In celebration of the series, which featured a mostly Black cast and provided some of the most prolific moments in on-screen history–but was never awarded during its tenure–Shadow And Act is showing love to The Wire and the actors that made the series so unforgettable.
Our next episode of Rewind The Scene stars Jamie Hector who played young gangster Marlo Stanfield. Watch him break down the famous “My name is my name!” scene from season 5, episode 9, “Late Editions”:
This is the scene where Marlo and his whole crew have been locked up and they’re trying to figure out who snitched on them. In the process, one of his boys lets it slip that Omar has been speaking ill of him in the streets.
Hector told S&A what behind-the-scenes feedback he got from the producers on what Marlo’s mindset was to be in this scene and how corporations have the exact same mentality as Marlo.
“Before we shot the scene, Nina K. Noble, one of the producers, pulled me over and said, ‘Look at this as if it’s corporate America, if you want to, and realize that IBM or Goldman Sachs can’t afford for their name to be slandered,” he said. “And I remember also my mother always [telling] me ‘Your name is everything.’ …When it’s about your family or your name, don’t disrespect it.”
Years Ago, Sterling K. Brown Auditioned For This Iconic ‘The Wire’ Character
Michael K. Williams Talks How Playing Omar on ‘The Wire’ Changed His Life