The third season of John Ridley’s critically-acclaimed ABC anthology series “American Crime” will see the return of co-star Regina King, who is officially the first previous cast member confirmed for the upcoming 3rd season, which will be set in North Carolina, and will tackle labor issues, inspired by real-life situations.
“We could not be more excited to welcome Regina back for a third season,” creator John Ridley said in a statement. “She is among the talent who have quickly become intimately associated with the program.”
Indeed she has. She’s been a cast member since the first season, and played integral roles, en route to a Primetime Emmy Award win in 2015 for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series.
“As with the first two seasons, her many fans can expect a total transformation,” Ridley added, “as she plays one of the complicated individuals caught up in a story that deals with labor issues, economic divides and individual rights in this season’s setting of North Carolina.”
Of course North Carolina has been a hot-bed of political activity this year – the passing of the “bathroom law” in March, which requires transgender people to use the public restroom corresponding to the gender on their birth certificate; as well as the state’s new abortion law which extends the waiting period for abortions in the state to 72 hours.
One can only assume Ridley will tackle some or all of these issues in “American Crime” season 3. The show won’t be filmed there however.
Returning with Regina King for a 3rd season are franchise vets Timothy Hutton, Felicity Huffman, Lili Taylor, Richard Cabral and Connor Jessup.
Season 2, which ended in the spring of this year, and for which Regina King is Emmy-nominated (Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie), is now streaming on Netflix, along with season 1, for which King won a Primetime Emmy for Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or Movie last year. So check out the series if you haven’t yet; it’s recommended binge-watching. Watch a promo below for season 2 which added Andre Benjamin and Trevor Jackson to the cast: