Real-life “fixer” Judy Smith, an inspiration for Shonda Rhimes’ ABC series “Scandal,” has set up a new legal drama at Fox, titled “Justice.” Medical dramas, cop/detective series, and legal dramas; the stuff that TV shows are made out of.
Smith, who is also a co-executive producer on “Scandal,” will do the same with “Justice,” which is loosely inspired by her life, and will center on a powerful attorney, who also happens to be black woman, and the many local and federal cases she and her firm work on, while also trying to balance their personal lives.
Jeremy Miller and Daniel Cohn have been hired to write the project.
Per her bio, Judy Smith is the founder and President of Washington DC-based Smith & Co, a “crisis communications firm.” Over her 25 year-long career, Ms. Smith has been involved in some of the most historic and sensational events, has served as a consultant for a host of high profile, celebrity and entertainment clients, been involved in legal matters concerning several professional athletes, served as Special Assistant and Deputy Press Secretary to President George H. W. Bush, served as an Assistant United States Attorney and was Special Counsel to the U.S. Attorney of the District of Columbia, has been featured in numerous national publications, including the Washington Post, National Journal, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and writes regularly on current events for the Huffington Post and the Daily Beast. Smith is an experienced and sought after commentator as a crisis management expert. She is the author of the book, “Good Self, Bad Self,” on crisis management, published by Free Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc., released in 2012; and she has received numerous communications and leadership awards and is active in community service.
There’s a lot more where that came from, but let’s just summarize and say that she’s very well accomplished and is very good at her job!
By the way, in addition to serving as co-executive producer on “Scandal,” Smith also co-executive produces “BrainDead” on CBS, a series I recently started watching, and like. Its central plot about alien bugs taking over the brains of American politicians is certainly fitting for the times.
Deadline was first to report the news on Smith’s Fox project.