Marissa Da’nae and NLE Choppa shared the heartbreaking loss of their child.

Over the weekend, Da’nae posted a picture with an update explaining where her and NLE Choppa’s headspace were at during the miscarriage tragedy of their son. The couple revealed their addition to the family, last year, sharing their baby’s gender and name, Seven Da’Shun Potts.

“Talking bout this is so hard,” she wrote under a photo of her and NLE Choppa, whose legal name is Bryson Potts. “But with Bryson next to me and being my supporter, this has helped me more. Losing our Son is so hard for me, I couldn’t function. But he has pulled me through, and I’m thankful to have you by my side and with me along this journey.”

“There’s a lot of women who suffer the things I suffer and go through the same things I go through. So this also helps to open up and let other women know that they aren’t alone,” she continued. “Thank you for all the kind words we truly appreciate it. Thank you, Seven, for helping mommy grow more into a better person, pushing me into being more healthier, and being the reason for me to continue to fight. I love you, and I truly do appreciate the time we spent growing together and bonding.”

“You have truly gave mommy more hope. We love you baby. Seven Da’Shun Potts. #Forever7,” she concluded.

Da’nae followed up with a post on her Instagram story, further explaining that a future with children is ideal, but for now, she would take time for herself to heal.

“I know that one day I’ll be able to have a healthy baby and be the mother I always dreamed of being,” she shared. “No matter how much this has hurt me. I have to continue to keep fighting. Thank you for all your kind words, and I truly appreciate it. I’m gonna take a lil break again from social media, but I truly appreciate it. Thank you guys.”

NLE Choppa posted a sweet message via Twitter.

“Seven Da’Shun Potts #FOREVER7 RIP My Lil One,” he wrote.

Although Da’nae would like to stay away from social media for a while, the couple further shared their miscarriage journey on YouTube.